My Blogs (Page 8)

What are Laws of Cooling of bodies? If a material body is heated up to a very high temperature and then let to cool down, it will take a certain time to reach at aRead More →

What is called Young’s Modulus? When a material is axially loaded, longitudinal stress is developed in the material. Due to longitudinal stress, longitudinal strain i.e., change in length or other dimension occurs. Strain thus produced inRead More →

What is a Black Body? The radiation emitted by a black body is called black body radiation. A black body is one which neither reflects nor transmits but absorbs whole of the heat radiation incidentRead More →

What is called Eddy Currents? Induced circulating or whirling current produced in a conductor by itself due to change in its own magnetic flux linked with a conductor is called eddy current. This current wasRead More →

What is Thermal Convection mode of Heat Transfer? Thermal convection is the process of heat transfer in fluids by which heat flows from the region of high temperature to the region of lower temperature byRead More →

What is Hooke’s Law? By experiments on behavior of a metal wire under an axial pulling force, an English physicist “Robert Hooke” (1635-1703 A.D.), formulated a law which is popularly known as Hooke’s law. Hooke’s lawRead More →

How Mutual Induction in coils occur? Mutual Induction is the phenomenon of production of induced EMF in a coil due to change in current of a near by another coil. Consider about a coil connectedRead More →

What is meant by Thermal Conductivity? Thermal conductivity is the property which regulates the process of heat transfer in solid objects by mode of heat conduction. The fundamental law of thermal conductivity and heat conductionRead More →

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What is Self Induction in Coils? Self induction is the property of a coil by virtue of which it opposes the change (i.e. growth or decay) of current flowing through it. To understand this phenomenon,Read More →

What is called Internal Energy? Random motions of small particles of a system such as atoms or molecules may have translation, rotary or vibration motion within the mass of system. These moving particles posses kineticRead More →

What is Calorimetry? Calorimetry is the branch of physics which deals with the measurement of heat addition or rejection from a body or system. Calorimetry is the science or act of measuring changes in stateRead More →

How a liquid expands upon heating? When a liquid mass is heated, its volume get increased with the raise in temperature. This is called thermal expansion in liquids. It is volumetric thermal expansion of liquids.Read More →

What is a Moving Coil Galvanometer? A moving coil galvanometer is a device used to detect or measure small electric current flowing in an electric circuit. It works on the principle that, a current carryingRead More →

What is a solenoid? A cylindrical coil of enameled ( i.e. insulated ) wire tightly wound in the form of a helix, with diameter of the coil smaller than its length, is called a solenoid.Read More →