My Blogs (Page 6)

What is an Organ Pipe? An organ pipe is the simplest musical instrument in which sound is produced by setting an air column into vibrations. Organ pipes are of two types – Open organ pipeRead More →

What are Sound Beats? When two sound waves, having slightly different frequencies are made to travel along the same path in the same direction through same medium, they superpose upon each other and the intensityRead More →

What is called “Doppler effect”? If there is a relative motion between the source of sound and the observer, the frequency of sound felt by the observer is different from the frequency of sound emittedRead More →

What is the speed of Sound? Scientist Newton first stated a theoretical expression for speed of sound in a gaseous medium. Newton’s theory for speed of sound in gases is based on the following assumptions.Read More →

What are effects of boundary in Reflection of Waves? When a progressive wave comes in contact with a boundary interface, then reflection of waves or refraction occur depending upon the nature of boundary conditions.  ReflectionRead More →

What is called Amplitude of a Wave? In a wave propagation, particles of the medium oscillates / vibrates to and fro about their mean position. The mean position is called equilibrium position. The displacement ofRead More →

What is Wave Motion? Propagation of a disturbance ( a wave ) which travel through a medium due to vibrations or oscillations of medium particles about their mean position is called a wave motion. WaveRead More →

What is called Resonance? Resonance is a particular case of forced oscillations in which the frequency of the driving force becomes equal to the natural frequency of the oscillating body which results in producing ofRead More →

What is called a Pendulum? A pendulum is defined as a weight tied at one end of a string which is suspended from a pivot so that it can swing freely under the force ofRead More →

What is called a Spring & Resilience? A spring is a mechanical device used to store energy and subsequently to release it in need. The energy stored in the spring is called its resilience. SpringsRead More →

How energy change occurs in Simple Harmonic Motion? The total energy in Simple Harmonic Motion is consisting of two parts – Kinetic energy. Potential energy. Kinetic energy in Simple Harmonic Motion Velocity of a particleRead More →

What is Phasor Diagram? Phasor diagram of Simple Harmonic Motion is a graphical representation of position ( i.e. phase ) of particles having same frequency but in different phase angles and amplitudes. Using a phasorRead More →

What are equations of Simple Harmonic Motions? An equation governing a simple harmonic motion and representing its properties is called a simple harmonic motion equation. Simple harmonic motion equation gives displacement of particle executing atRead More →

What is called a “Simple Harmonic Motion”? A periodic oscillatory motion in which a particle moves to and fro about a mean position under the action of a restoring force which is directly proportional toRead More →

What is called Buoyancy? The upward force acting on a immersed body in a fluid is called upthrust or buoyant force and the phenomenon is called buoyancy. The force of buoyancy acts through the centreRead More →