My Blogs (Page 4)

What is called Flexural Rigidity? Rigidity is the property of any material by virtue of which it offers resistance to deformation due to an applied load. A body having good rigidity will resist any typeRead More →

What is called simple bending of a beam? In previous articles, we have discussed about bending moment and different types of loading of beams. Stress developed in a beam depends upon the type of loading.Read More →

How to draw Bending Moment diagrams? In drawing of bending moment diagrams, we have to follow certain guidelines in strict manner as explained in earlier article guide lines of beam diagram. For illustration and clearRead More →

What are different types of Structural Members? A member is used as an structural member for establishing industrial infrastructures to support loads. Different types of structural members are used in engineering purposes depending upon theRead More →

What are different types of Stresses? When a beam is loaded, stress is developed in it. Different types of stress that are developed in a loaded beam depend on the type of beam and theirRead More →

What is called a Winch? A crab winch is simply called a winch. It is a hauling or lifting device consisting of a rope or chain wound around a horizontal grooved drum. The drum isRead More →

What is called a Compound Pendulum? A compound pendulum is a rigid body pegged and hanged freely to oscillate about a smooth horizontal axis passing through the peg. Consider about a rigid body ( compoundRead More →

What is dealt in study of Hydrostatics? Hydrostatics is the branch of science which deals with the study of fluid pressure called hydrostatic pressure exerted on immersed surfaces by a liquid, when it is atRead More →

What is a Venturimeter? Venturimeter is a rate of flow measuring device which is directly mounted on the pipeline through which a liquid flows. In this device, a converging section of a pipe is usedRead More →

What is Bernoulli’s theorem? Bernoulli’s theorem states that – “Total energy of a liquid particle in a perfect in-compressible liquid flowing in a continuous stream in a pipe remains constant.” Bernoulli’s theorem is associated withRead More →

What is known as surface tension? Surface tension is the property of a liquid by virtue of which the free surface of liquid at rest behaves like an elastic stretched membrane tending to contract soRead More →

What is meant by Viscosity? Viscosity is a property of a fluid by virtue of which an internal force of friction comes into play, when the fluid is in motion or tends to be inRead More →

What is called Product of Vectors? Multiplication of two vectors is called Product of Vectors. Vectors have magnitude and direction both. As such, multiplication of one vector with another vector is not done by simpleRead More →

What is called Addition of Vectors? A body may be subjected upon various vectors acting simultaneously upon it. It is very cumbersome and difficult to analyze the effect of each vector separately. So, the vectorsRead More →

What is called a Vector? In one dimensional motion, only two directions are possible. So, the directional aspect of the quantities like position, displacement, velocity and acceleration are taken care by using signs before theRead More →