My Blogs (Page 10)

What is called a Thermocouple? A thermocouple is defined as a loop made by connecting the ends ( called junctions ) of two different conducting wires whose junctions are maintained at different temperatures for producingRead More →

What is known as Specific Resistance? Specific resistance of a material is defined as the electric resistance of that material of unit length and unit cross sectional area. Specific Resistance of a material is alsoRead More →

What is called Mass of a body? Mass is a quantitative measure of matter content of a body which produce inertia. It is a fundamental property of all matter bodies. It offer a resistance inRead More →

What is a Force? A force is defined as an agent i.e. a push or a pull which keep a system in working condition. The concept of force was first developed by Sir Isac Newton.Read More →

Charge in magnetic field

What is Ohm’s law of electric current? A law stating a relationship between flow of amount of electric current to the applied voltage across an electric conductor, is known as the Ohm’s Law. It statesRead More →

What is an Electric Current? Electric current is defined as the amount of electric charges flowing per unit time through any cross section of a conductor. In electrostatics, electric charge remains at rest. In electricRead More →

What is called an Equilibrium? Equilibrium is the condition of a system or body in which its state of rest or motion is not changing with time. It is called stable equilibrium in studies ofRead More →

What is called a Rolling Motion? Rolling motion is particular type of motion in which a circular or spherical object makes a combination of rotation and translation. For example, if a marble sphere is thrown onRead More →

What are called Capacitor & Capacitance? A capacitor is defined as a combination of two conducting surfaces separated by a non conducting medium such that it can store electric charge. When two conducting surfaces ofRead More →

What is called a “Torque”? Torque is the effect of a force that can cause an object to rotate about an axis. A force produces linear acceleration in an object which is in linear motion. InRead More →

What is Dielectric Constant? Dielectric constant of a medium is defined as the ratio of electrostatic force between two point charges separated by a certain distance in air to the electrostatic force between the sameRead More →

What is called a Projectile Motion? When a particle is thrown in space near the earth’s surface then it moves along a curved path under the influence of gravity, then its motion is called aRead More →

What is Electric Potential Energy? Electric potential energy at a point in the electric field produced by a charge is defined as the work done by an external force in bringing a test charge fromRead More →

What is called “Motion in a Vertical Circle”? When a particle is made to move along a circular path in a vertical plane, the motion is a non uniform circular motion. This is due toRead More →

What is Angular Momentum? Momentum of a moving body is defined as the product of the mass and velocity of the body. It gives an idea about the energy capacity that a moving body possesses.Read More →