Meaning of Success

What is meaning of “Success”?

Meaning of success is nothing but the pleasure felt on consequence of fulfillment of our ambition, spiritual satisfaction, fulfillment of desire and realization of dreams and goals. Success is our own achievement ending. Success is easy to achieve and can be achieved by everyone who has a sound determination to achieve it. You must have zeal to learn without end. Everybody has a right to get success.

Due to lack of our knowledge, confidence and proper learning skills, many myths and fallacy about success arise in our mind which make us even more weak, like – “Success is a miracle”, “Success is God’s gift”, “Success is a mystery” etc.

All above perceptions are completely wrong and give rise to negativity in our mind and divert our attention from the reality of success.

Success is our own achievement. It is easy to achieve and can be achieved by everyone, who has a sound determination and make every effort to work hard in learning process to achieve success. One must have zeal to learn endlessly to get success. In fact, science is most easy and only we have to adopt a right, disciplined and scientific approach of learning.

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