Spring Vibrations
What is called a Spring & Resilience? A spring is a mechanical device used to store energy and subsequently to release it in need. The energy stored in the spring is called its resilience. SpringsRead More →
What is called a Spring & Resilience? A spring is a mechanical device used to store energy and subsequently to release it in need. The energy stored in the spring is called its resilience. SpringsRead More →
How energy change occurs in Simple Harmonic Motion? The total energy in Simple Harmonic Motion is consisting of two parts – Kinetic energy. Potential energy. Kinetic energy in Simple Harmonic Motion Velocity of a particleRead More →
What is Phasor Diagram? Phasor diagram of Simple Harmonic Motion is a graphical representation of position ( i.e. phase ) of particles having same frequency but in different phase angles and amplitudes. Using a phasorRead More →
What are equations of Simple Harmonic Motions? An equation governing a simple harmonic motion and representing its properties is called a simple harmonic motion equation. Simple harmonic motion equation gives displacement of particle executing atRead More →
What is called a “Simple Harmonic Motion”? A periodic oscillatory motion in which a particle moves to and fro about a mean position under the action of a restoring force which is directly proportional toRead More →
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