Biot-Savart Law
What is Biot-savart Law? If an electric current is passes through a conductor, it start to behave like a magnet. This means that, the current carrying conductor get magnetized due to current flowing through it.Read More →
What is Biot-savart Law? If an electric current is passes through a conductor, it start to behave like a magnet. This means that, the current carrying conductor get magnetized due to current flowing through it.Read More →
What happens when a charge moves in Electric Field? When a charge is projected to move in an electric field, it will experiences a force on it. The projected charge while moving through the regionRead More →
What is magnetic effect of current? If an electric current is passes through a conductor, it start to behave like a magnet. This means that, the current carrying conductor get magnetized due to current flowingRead More →
What is called Magnetization? When a magnetic material is placed in the region of a magnetic field produced by another magnet, it acquires magnetic properties by induction. This phenomenon is called magnetization. The extent ofRead More →
What is Earth’s Magnetic Field? Our earth behaves as a magnet and its magnetic field is called earth’s magnetic field. Magnetic field of the earth changes from place to place and time to time onRead More →
What is Magnetic Field Intensity? The force of attraction or repulsion experienced by an unit north pole strength placed in the magnetic field of a magnet is called the magnetic field intensity. Magnetic Field MagneticRead More →
What is called a Magnetic Force? The force of attraction or repulsion exerted by a pole of magnet on another magnet or a magnetic material is called magnetic force. The magnitude of magnetic force isRead More →
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