Gravitational Potential
What is called Gravitational Potential? Gravitational potential at a point in the gravitational field of a body is defined as the amount of work done in bringing a body of unit mass from infinity toRead More →
What is called Gravitational Potential? Gravitational potential at a point in the gravitational field of a body is defined as the amount of work done in bringing a body of unit mass from infinity toRead More →
What is meant by “Acceleration due to Gravity”? Earth attracts all bodies near its surface by a force of gravity called gravitational force. The acceleration produced by this force is called earth’s acceleration due toRead More →
What is Gravitational Force? In universe, all bodies attract to other bodies with a force of attraction called force of gravitation or gravitational force. This force of attraction depends upon the mass of interacting bodies andRead More →
What is called Parallel Axis Theorem? If the moment of inertia of a body about an axis is known, then moment of inertia of that body about another parallel axis on the same plane canRead More →
What is Perpendicular Axis Theorem? Perpendicular axis theorem states that – Moment of inertia of a laminar body about an axis which is perpendicular to the plane of the body is equal to the sumRead More →
What is called Moment of Inertia? All material bodies possess a unique property by virtue of which they resist to change in their state of rest or motion by itself. This property of material bodyRead More →
What is Moment Area Method? Moment area method, is a very convenient way to find slope and deflection of a beam. It is based on Mohr’s theorem for use of bending moment diagram and enablesRead More →
What is Deflection of a beam? When a beam or other structural member is loaded in such a way that, it is subjected to a bending moment, then due to bending stress, part of memberRead More →
How to find Centre of Mass of Solid Hemisphere? A solid hemispherical body may be considered to be constructed of numerous tiny particles. These tiny particles have their own masses. Hence, the total mass ofRead More →
What is called Centre of Mass? The whole mass of a body may be assumed to be concentrated at a fixed point. This fixed point at which the whole mass is assumed to be concentrated,Read More →
What is a Screw Jack? Machines are mechanical devices which are used to change the direction or magnitude of an applied force or work. A screw jack consists of two simple machines in series –Read More →
What is called “Moment of Resistance”? When a beam is loaded with a load causing bending moment, it bends into the form of a circular arc. To resists bending and deformation, internal resistance sets upRead More →
What is called a Lever? A lever is a simple machine which is a rigid bar or a cylindrical rod capable to rotate about a fixed point called fulcrum point. Class of lever are basedRead More →
What is a Bending Moment? Various types of structural members are used for construction of industrial infrastructures to support various types of loads. The horizontally placed structural members are called beams. Different type of beamsRead More →
What is Machine Efficiency? We always worried about the performance of any machine or device that we use for doing some work. Machine Efficiency is one of such character which reflects about the optimum performanceRead More →
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